Madison County IL 1 – Tyrants 0


As we reported the other day, little Madison County, Illinois stepped forward on May 18th and interposed against the the tyrant – Governor JB Pritzker – and his emergency ‘Stay at Home’ order. The county openly declared their defiance to the governor and interposed on behalf of businesses in their county – that they would protect them if they opened.

On May 19th, the very next day, the Illinois State Police also jumped into the fray – siding with Madison County officials. They released a statement that they would not arrest anyone who violated the governor’s unconstitutional order.

On May 20th, Gov. JB Pritzker withdrew his controversial emergency rule that would have allowed businessmen to be charged with a misdemeanor if they reopened before his order expired.

These actions by the county magistrates and the state police demonstrate the doctrine of the lesser magistrates. When the superior authority makes law, policy, or court opinion repugnant to the constitutions – state or national – it is the duty of the lesser-ranking magistrates to interpose and defy their law, policy, or court opinion.

The doctrine of the lesser magistrates is a Christian doctrine rooted in the historic Christian doctrine of interposition.

America’s founders established America as a true federalism. In a federalism all four governments established by God – self, family, church, and civil government – are important, and have their own role, functions, and limits.

In a federalism, there are multiple levels of government and multiple branches at each level, so that if any one branch begins to play the tyrant – the other branches interpose against that branch and resist them.

Those in civil government take an oath to uphold their state Constitution and the U. S. Constitution. They do not take an oath of subservience to the federal government, and they do not take an oath of subservience to the state government.

When any one branch makes law, policy, or court opinion repugnant to the state or national constitutions, it is the duty of the other branches of government to uphold their oath and defend the constitutions – and to resist and defy that branch.

The people must assure the magistrates they will stand with them if they do right with their possession, in their persons, and in their prayers – both publicly and privately.

Stay informed and keep in touch with our efforts. Together we can confront tyrants and tyranny.

May 21, 2020

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